
Strategic Litigation: a Contribution to Legal Development or a Strategy with No Added Value?

A common mission for most human rights, environmental, and whatnot NGOs is making an impact at individual, societal, and/or global level. Most human rights NGOs work because they want to see a change happen. Work of every credible and professional organization requires clearly formulated goals and effective strategies to reach these goals. Each organization chooses strategies that best suit its goals, capacities, and expertise. Well, so far no news. So instead of discussing countless different strategies to make the world a better place, I decided to write only about one that in my opinion deserves more attention as one form of human rights advocacy: strategic litigation. (more…)

Allvarlig sjukdom som ett hinder mot utvisning i ljuset av Europadomstolens rättspraxis

Jag behandlade frågan om synnerligen ömmande omständigheter som en grund för uppehållstillstånd i mitt tidigare inlägg. Som det framgick av det här inlägget utgör utlänningens hälsotillstånd, anpassning till Sverige och situationen i hens hemland grunden för bedömningen av om synnerligen ömmande omständigheter föreligger. Det görs alltid en samlad bedömning där alla omständigheter i ett ärende beaktas. Den här gången behandlar jag utlänningens hälsotillstånd som ett hinder mot utvisning i ljuset av Europadomstolens rättspraxis och således som en grund för uppehållstillstånd med stöd av 5 kap. 6 § UtlL. (more…)

Some words about becoming tired of showing compassion

Secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, psycho-hygiene…

Some years ago most of these concepts were unknown for me, or at least quite far from my life. I hadn’t ever had anything to do with them. Until a few years ago, I picked up the phone in my work at a women’s rights organization where I worked in the support unit for victims of violence. I was listening to the story of a 17-year-old girl, her detailed description of violence, death threats against her, and her despair in trying to find a solution in her situation.



I’m a human rights lawyer, teacher, wonderer.

I decided to start this blog because of curiosity and my professional background. I want to have a space where I can bring up and discuss topics that I think deserve and need attention. Hopefully to connect and discuss with other human rights nerds. To develop my ideas. To make a contribution towards a change. But also just to challenge myself and to dare to publish my writings. (more…)